This concept encompasses:

The integration of various forms of contemporary art with technology to generate innovative projects.

Community Collaboration:
Encouraging the participation of both local and global communities in artistic and technological projects.

Support Networks:
Establishing collaborative and supportive networks among artists, technologists and other cultural actors.

Objectives of Bonding at Cisma

Facilitating Collaboration:
Creating an environment conducive to collaboration between artists and technologists, fostering interdisciplinary projects that explore new forms of expression and communication.

Promoting Innovation:
Using technology as a tool to push the boundaries of contemporary art, exploring new creative and technical possibilities.

Fostering Inclusion:
Engaging the local community in activities and projects, ensuring that cisma is an accessible and open space for everyone.

Strategies for Implementing Bonding

Artistic and Technological Residencies:
Offering residency programs that allow artists and technologists to work together on specific projects.

Workshops and Seminars:
Organizing workshops and seminars that address relevant topics at the intersection of art and technology, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and skills.

Community Events:
Hosting events such as exhibitions, performances, and talks that engage the community and promote active participation.

Digital Platform:
Developing a digital platform that facilitates communication and collaboration among community members, as well as the dissemination of their work.

Expected Impact

Enriching cultural landscape by introducing innovative projects that combine art and technology.

Strengthening the sense of community and belonging by connecting people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.

Generating new economic opportunities through the creation of innovative projects and products.

The concept of bonding at cisma not only aims to create connections between contemporary art and technology but also to strengthen ties within the community and beyond. By promoting collaboration, innovation and inclusion, cisma positions itself as a cultural beacon, opening new avenues for creativity and cultural development. This development of the bonding concept offers a clear and structured vision of how cisma can integrate contemporary art and technology, creating a vibrant and collaborative space for all involved.