Center for Innovation Synapses & Mediation in Art

cisma is a transdisciplinary initiative that brings together creativity and collaboration, a place where different forms of art converge and transform through synergy and innovation. Based in Valencia, we seek to integrate all forms of art while simultaneously reshaping the contemporary artistic landscape. We aim to foster artistic interconnection, inspiring new expressions and thoughts that reconfigure existing structures and open paths to new perspectives and understandings. Our goal is to create new narratives, alternative pedagogies and a different way of producing and enjoying art.

What are we looking for?

Interdisciplinarity: The interaction between various artistic and technological disciplines.

Innovation: We promote the exploration of new technologies and new artistic practices as drivers of change, seeing each advancement as an opportunity for creation and reinvention.

Inclusivity: We value the diversity of voices and perspectives, providing a safe and respectful space where all ideas can freely develop.

Transformation: We consider disruptions and discontinuities as starting points for innovation. We see each change as an opportunity for the emergence of the new.

Youth Leadership and Experience: We advocate for the combination of experience and youth initiatives, generating more productive and enriching dynamics.

Ideological Neutrality: We are not an initiative with political or alternative intent. This is an environment where all voices should be heard. There should be no ideology that defines us.