
Our objective focuses on creating cultural and artistic synapses. Just as the human brain weaves connections that facilitate the flow of ideas and emotions, at cisma we promote the interconnection between cultural agents and the public. We are the underlying energy that enables these synapses, transforming into a cultural hub where interaction and exchange are essential for the development of art in all its forms.

We see art as a transformative force capable of reconfiguring existing structures, generating new perspectives and understandings. In this sense, cisma acts as a dynamic platform that documents cultural transformations driven by new technologies and advances in artistic practices.

In our project, the «cracks» that emerge from technological change are not flaws but opportunities for the emergence of the new. Inspired by philosophers such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, who conceptualized diversity and expansion as metaphors for growth and creativity, the new cisma project adopts these principles to create an environment where ruptures and discontinuities are starting points for innovation.

cisma project also addresses digital dematerialization and the technological impact caused by artificial intelligence, forces that are transforming the foundations of our culture. In this process of change, we believe that what is solid and true will endure, while the superfluous will fade away. Our purpose is to be present in this transformation, contributing to consolidate what is valuable and building in the void left by this immense metamorphosis.

As a contemporary agora, our center is a place of transdisciplinary encounter and dialogue, where diverse voices find a space to resonate and amplify. Each event will be an invitation to participate in a broader conversation about the role of art in society and its capacity to catalyze significant changes.

cisma is also conceived as an embassy of art, a safe haven where ideas can develop without restrictions. This role as a safe harbor implies providing an environment of support and respect, where artistic practices can be freely explored and emerging technologies are seamlessly integrated into the creative process. Thus, we not only aspire to be a space for artistic encounter and creation but also a nucleus of cultural resistance and renewal in times of change.

cisma aims to be a node of creation and an activator of transdisciplinary synergies, promoting an environment where innovation and tradition converge and mutually enhance each other. Through the creation of cultural synapses and adaptation to new technologies, we position ourselves as active agents in the contemporary artistic landscape, recording and amplifying the creative movements that define our time.