
The cisma project is positioned as a comprehensive effort to enhance creativity and cultural innovation by identifying and connecting talent across various disciplines. This approach not only focuses on highlighting outstanding creators in areas such as visual arts, music, film, literature, and technology but also seeks to build bridges between them, promoting collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

Talent identification is a crucial process in cisma, as it allows for mapping and understanding the trends and dynamics of the contemporary cultural environment. This mapping is not merely a cataloging of skills but a tool to recognize emerging patterns and create a more complete and dynamic picture of the current state of culture and art.

The connection between talents, in turn, focuses on creating spaces that promote dialogue and transdisciplinary collaboration. The synergy that arises from these encounters is fundamental to cisma, as it allows the boundaries between disciplines to blur, giving rise to innovative and unique projects that likely would not have emerged otherwise.

The transdisciplinary discourse that cisma seeks to foster is essential in an increasingly interconnected and complex world. By integrating multiple perspectives and methodologies, new avenues are opened to address contemporary challenges, which often require solutions that go beyond traditional approaches.

Finally, by promoting an environment of experimentation and critical thinking through seminars, workshops, and roundtable discussions, cisma not only enriches the cultural conversation but also creates a space where innovation can flourish. This commitment to diversity of thought and interdisciplinary collaboration positions cisma as a benchmark in the promotion of cultural advancement and artistic development today.